Monday, February 8, 2010

G-Force - Movie Review

Movie Title: G - Force
Starring: Bill Nighy (Known for playing Victor in Underworld, at least by me)
Rating: PG

Year: 2009
First animovie I've seen this year, 2010, and I was not disappointed. It was funny, action packed and perfect for kids. My 5 year old daughter loved it and never once took her eyes from the screen. For adults, this movie was a great kids movie but doesn't win any awards for being origianl. The plot was good and the end was unpredictable, yet it still held the cheesy kids movie moments that we can't stand but can't live without. If I had to decide between this movie and the Chipmunks, the Chipmunks would win hands down. That being said if you are looking for a good kids movie and the Chipmunks are all gone, this one would be a great runner up.

Thank you for reading,
Blog Creator/Movie Buff

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