Friday, August 21, 2009

New Blog Direction/Goal

Okay everyone,

After watching Julie & Julia I realized that my blog doesn't really have a meaning aside from bringing you information you can obtain from other websites, such as twilightmoms, so I need to do something different. I need to have something to say and something to write about so here I go.

I am 28 years old and have written a book. It is not ready to be published as it still needs editing etc, but I'm already working on the sequel.
My new objective for this site is to document my journey while finishing it. Here is the current sequel numbers:

Chapters: about six + the prolouge.
Pages: 101 but hasn't been proof read yet.
Objective: Complete a minimum of 300 pages
Deadline: Midnight on January 1st, 2010.
Conditions: Must be completed with continued storyline, no double spacing and has to be readable.

So there you have it. Today is August 22nd which gives me:
Approximately 133 days
199 pages to go....if all the current pages I have are usable.
Can I do it? Only time will tell.

Blog Creator

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