Saturday, September 12, 2009

Goal: Day 21

Pages written: 112
Pages proof read: 112
Pages to go: 187
Days remaining: 113 days

Today I was able to add another 2 pages to my sequel and I'm very pleased with the new twists and turns I have added for my characters. Sometimes I feel bad for what my character must go through but I feel that every problem they solve helps them become better people. And yes, I do think of my characters as real people who tell me about their story. While writing a story I feel like the simple viewer, I explain what happens as I see everything, but it is the people who make the story. It is their choices, their flaws and their acheievements that make the story great and I am pleased that my characters chose me to tell their side of things...although after a few scenes of hardship from me they may doubt that decision.

I am seriously excited to find out where the story goes and what new twists will come at the end. As I sleep my characters wait and to them I say please be patient I will return to you in the morning, for now the hour grows late and I'm exhausted. :)

Thank you for reading

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